NEW 2017: CROSSFIE-2Vpro
F3B-models are the real alround tools in the glider world- but for long time these models were build with high strength and pretty high weight. Now more and more pilot favour a lightweight F3B-model in F3J construction for all-day thermal flying because the sleek low-drag airframe design offers a great speed and aerobatic performance and with the new lightweight constructions these models are able to work the lightest lift on small slopes or on the thermal field !
Aer-O-Tec brings now the latest version of CROSSFIRE-2pro: with its long fuselage tail boom it is perfect for this kind of flying.
CROSSFIRE-2Vpro C64 spreadtow: ca 1840g
CROSSFIRE-2Vpro CC45 carboline: ca 1680g
TAKEO is a new and unique model design.
You may use it as a pure glider or electro sailplane.
With 2-piece fuselage and v-tail and 4-piece wing you can take it anywhere- your camper car, airplane or holiday journey it is always perfect protected against damage and needs only small space for storage. It comes in a special aluminium case (32 x 34 x 95cm) and offers a huge 3,6m wing span ! Construction is good for alround flying, thermal, slope and aerobatics and made in carbon ( fuselage with 2.4 nose).
You may even put your charger or transmitter inside the case and you are always ready-to-fly !