« T-Race-Meeting 2024 | New models from stock: January 2024 » |
After opening of our new and bigger showroom we are pleased to announce another news for 2024:
Aer-O-Tec is official distributor or SKYTOUCH-models from SOLARWINGS.cz
Models are produced in limited number, highest qulity and latest technology.
SKYTOUCH.2 fits perfectly to our portfolio of T-tail models, winglets and compact tranportation capilities !
Model fits into 1,2m transportation suitcase and offers a spann of 4,42m/4,20m !
SkyTouch.2 comes with 2 pair of wingtips:
*Span 4,42m with classic tips
*Span 4,20m with Sharklets
pre-installation is very high ! Please note the included details:
*iDS-linkage for flaps and aileron pre-installed !
*2 x Chaservo for elevator and rudder ready installed !
*Motor firewall ready installed !
*Wings and tails in strong Solid-Core-technology and gap sealing -
SkyTouch.2 is the only model with gap sealing for solidcore wings !
*we offer also the strong transporttion suitcase !
Please stay tuned for more information, pictures and videos on our homepage or facebook and Instagrag channels !
2 Kommentare

Sorry, cannot access your price/order info on the skytouch2 page, could you send me your oder and price list?

Bonjour. pourriez vous m’envoyer la liste de prix pour votre nouveau modèle ainsi que la box. merci
Bernard CLAUDE